Green Lightning strikes again! More data is here...

A grower in Central Kansas decided to see if he could cut out part of his nitrogen cost by trialing Green Lightning beside his regular program. He'll typically band UAN-28 on both sides of the row at planting and apply 135 pounds of N per acre. He saved a plot to see how well Green Lightning performs and applied the product by drone. ''First application was 52 gal/Green Lightning applied at 3 feet tall with 1 gal/boost of sugar on 6/3/2024'' says the Kansas grower. The second application was on 7/3/2024 and was 35 gal/Green Lightning again with a gallon of boost. ''Then on 7/6/2024 we applied 1 gallon of Amino acid-15 and 1/2 gallon of Liquilife'' says the grower. The part of Kansas is near Wichita, in Harvey County where they can expect 100–120 bushel of corn per acre. See chart below to see yields.
