Below are some comments from Ph.D. Thomas Dykstra. Take a look at what Tom is saying in this short article below.
“Salt-based NPK fertilizers are designed to introduce nutrients into plants quickly and unnaturally. These nutrients, especially the nitrogen, are always applied in excess and rely in no small part on the high electrical conductivity of the fertilizer in order to bypass natural root uptake mechanisms. What is often created is a plant that becomes a “drug addict”- dependent on the next dose and less able to fend for itself. Worse, the salts that bond with the nutrients are eventually released into the soil thus compromising microbial health. Green Lightning produces its nitrogen predominantly as nitrates and through a plasma process akin to the action of lightning in our atmosphere. It creates a more pure form of nitrogen that is not attached to any salt and so lacks the undesirable side effects of a standard high-salt NPK fertilizer. It is intentionally designed to work slower but more naturally and more completely with other plant nutrients that can be included in each Green Lightning application or that may already be contained in the soil.”
Kindest regards,
Thomas M. Dykstra, Ph.D.
As shown above, the plants aren't the only thing benefiting off of a cleaner source of N, but the soil is as well. Some are also reporting a well balanced fungi to bacteria ratio in the soil when using GL as opposed to traditional N. More studies are to be done on this, but it sure sparks many's interest.
''Overall, the Green Lightning sample is showing greater utilization of Nitrogen, release of phosphate and holding of other nutrients. Also the soil health is much better where the soil sample was pulled in Green Lightning than in the control. This will need to be looked at further as this is a small sample area. But initial results show a significant difference in the soil health and nutrient release.''
Stay tuned!