Everyone wants to see high yield and have low input cost no matter what crop you grow. Recently, Canadian growers have been harvesting their wheat, and not to mention the increase in yield by adding GL (Green Lightning) to their fields last year, this year they were fortunate to replace a big chunk of their nitrogen cost with GL and increase profit tremendously per acre on some fields.
They put 40 lbs of N down using ESN in the spring, then applied 10 gallons of GL on June 15th, then another 10 gallons of GL on July 7th, and lastly 20 gallons of GL on July 14th. This field yielded 79.78 bushel per acre (no fall N application was done).
They applied 110 lbs of N in the fall with Super U (broadcasted), then 40 lbs of N was applied using ESN in furrow in spring like the GL trial above. This field yielded 74.97 bushel per acre (no foliar application was done).
This is a 4.81 bushel per acre increase by using Green Lightning on hodge wheat on the Cherkas' farm in Saskatchewan.
In Saskatchewan they pay about $0.20 per kilowatt per hour (kWh) which is about $0.15 in USD right now, and their Green Lightning machine took about six and a half hours to make 40 gallons of GL product (old style machine), now let's times that number (6.5 hours) by how much they pay per kWh ($0.20) and now we have their cost of GL per acre: $1.30 ($0.975 USD).
Still want to pay for traditional nitrogen?
Thanks for reading!